Support our striking members at TVO!

Sept. 21, 2023

CMG / CWA Canada members at TVO went on strike Aug. 21 to fight for job security and fair wages. One month later, we’re still standing firm.

Since we walked off the job, our bargaining committee has met with the employer several times to negotiate a fair deal. Members thought we were close last week. Unfortunately, TVO had other ideas.

Instead of negotiating further, the employer issued our union a last-offer vote using a process to bypass bargaining whereby the Ministry of Labour will direct members to vote on what TVO presented in the coming weeks.

Although called a “last offer,” this does not mean there can be no more bargaining ever. However, it does mean we cannot negotiate while waiting at least a week for the Ministry to direct the vote. In doing so, management cited a desire to protect workers and the organization’s business interests. 

If TVO is so concerned with its workers’ wellbeing, why would they initiate a process that would keep us on strike longer without bargaining? And why does their latest offer ask workers to take another real-wage cut and make concessions on job security?

What’s more, our members are concerned by TVO’s lack of transparency and accountability after learning that – according to TVO’s audited financial statements – the government entity invested $17 million in Guaranteed Investment Certificates and Principal Protected Notes in the weeks before our collective agreement expired. It seems highly unusual for a public broadcaster to invest large amounts of cash, as Ontarians generally expect their taxes to fund vital public services and not remain in investment vehicles with no true accountability for how the funds will be spent.

Our members are concerned that this money is being wasted by sitting idle instead of being used to fund the valuable services TVO provides to Ontario’s taxpayers. We wonder if TVO could have used this money to avoid our month-long strike in the first place. 

Our public broadcaster belongs to you! Please Let TVO know you want a fair deal for workers on strike. Call 1-800-463-6886 or email

You can also share TVO CMG’s social-media posts or make your own using the hashtags #FundTVOLikeItMatters, #PeopleOverProfits and #17MillionReasons.

And, as you already know, you can support our vulnerable members by donating to our strike fund. Many of you have already donated and it has been a tremendous help. We appreciate it so much.

Thank you for continuing to aid in our fight,

CMG / CWA Canada Members at TVO

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